Monday, 21 November 2011

Best price for Dreambox DM800 HD SE-Only USD$210/unit

The Dreambox DM800 HD SE is best HD receiver ,main features are as follows ;
400 MHz processor
supports the Linux TV API.

•10/100MBit compatible Ethernet Interface
•HDMI connector
•plug & play Tuner
•colored OLED display
•plug & play slot for an internal 2,5" SATA hard disk
•additional an eSATA connector -USD$210/unit$268/unit -USD$268/unit -USD$215/unit -£429$269.00/-USD$269.00 -£189.99 -$ 296.88 - $249.99 -$249.99

How much for dreambox dm800se HD ?

The Dreambox DM800SE HD is best HD receiver ,main features are as follows ;
400 MHz processor
supports the Linux TV API.

•10/100MBit compatible Ethernet Interface
•HDMI connector
•plug & play Tuner
•colored OLED display
•plug & play slot for an internal 2,5" SATA hard disk
•additional an eSATA connector -USD$210/unit$268/unit -USD$268/unit -USD$215/unit -£429$269.00/-USD$269.00 -£189.99 -$ 296.88 - $249.99 -$249.99

How to Update DM 800 SE HD Firmware via browser ?

DM 800se HD Firmware update via browser

What you need to update the firmware:

You need a current image. Such an image for the DM800HDse has the extension *. nfi.
It is not flash other images like *. img einzuspielen!
Please try not, it does not work.

You need either a DHCP server on your Net
zwerk, a configured bootloader or a serial null modem cable and a terminal program like Hyper Terminal.
You need a browser and a network cable. Connect your Dreambox directly to a PC, you need a cross-over “(rotated) network cable, if you connect through a switch / hub / router you need a” Non-Cross “(not twisted) network cable.

To flash a new image to the Dreambox, you have the “2nd stage loader in place and undamaged.
The next steps refer to a network with a DHCP server running.
If this is not the case, you have to setup a serial cable, an IP address.
- Turn off the dreambox, use this menu item “shut down”from the shutdown / standby menu and then pull the plug on the power supply out of the box.
The standby mode is not enough!

- (1) Press the Power – button on the front panel and hold it.
Now insert the plug of the power supply back into the box.
- (2) A text “*** STOP ***”should appear. Now you can release the button.
The boot loader is now in “wait mode”.
- (3) Above the “*** STOP ***” text, there should now display an IP address are displayed.
(four decimal places, separated by a period).
If there appears the “DHCP” instead of an IP address, the box still searches for a DHCP server. Wait a bit.
However, should appear after a short time an IP address, please check your DHCP server settings and the wiring of your network.
If it does not work, please set manually via a serial console, the IP of your box.

- Now open a browser on your PC.
(1) Enter the IP address in the address field of the “ip/”field.
(enter the IP address displayed in the LCD).
(2) Press the “firmware upgrade” to the page displayed in the browser.

-On the next page you can select the desired image you want to flash the box. Please note the file extension *. nfi to play that
other images is not possible (NO *. img)!
- Click to select the images to the “FLASH!” and wait
e has been transferred completely to the image and flashed.
-Turn the box off and then on again.
The new operating software should now be recorded, and reboot. ”

Resource :

If you need the newest firmware ,please contact