Starhub Black box including MV HD800C-VI and MUX HDC800SE is not working,and appears scrambled ,No signal on TV ,when i login the icam account ,it tells that the icam is expired ,what is wrong ?
You need to pay subscriptions to renew your icam account/icam key for accessing starhub channels .
After you update the latest firmware and icam account/icam key,the box would be working again .
How much for each icam account/icam key ?We only charge USD$65 for 1 icam,Support,firmware and user guide would be provided !
More details ,please visit
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You need to pay subscriptions to renew your icam account/icam key for accessing starhub channels .
After you update the latest firmware and icam account/icam key,the box would be working again .
How much for each icam account/icam key ?We only charge USD$65 for 1 icam,Support,firmware and user guide would be provided !
More details ,please visit
Or click here to check